Three agility competitions in Lohja.
The first and second places were taken by our family on the first agility course: Zen (Decathlete's Sirius Black) and Jaakko Suoknuuti won, Hitti (Decathlete's Hornet) and Janita were second with a gap of 0,16 seconds.
On the next course we also took the first two places. Hitti (Decathlete's Hornet) & Janita won and Zen (Decathlete's Sirius Black) & Jaakko Suoknuuti were placed 2nd. The gap was 0,04 seconds.
Hitti (Decathlete's Hornet) and Janita won also the jumping course of the day and received their second jumping certificate. Hitti gets to receive the last jumping certificate in a bit over 6 months.
Quite a nice weekend: five competitions were all won by either Zen or Hitti :) It seems we've got back in the rhytm now that we have cut off some work and get to practise every now and then...
Sky (Decathlete's Skyknight) and Mikko Aaltonen won two agility courses! Clear run after another for this super couple, they sure have all the pieces clicking at the moment! Mikko and Sky are now qualified for 2010 Championship and team tryout competition. All of these courses they have run clear, they have also won :) Just amazing!
Zen (Decathlete's Sirius Black) and Jaakko Suoknuuti won two agility courses. The new contact method is working :) With these clear runs Jaakko and Zen also got the “double-O” and the win that are needed for entering next year’s Finnish team tryout competition.
Nera (Decathlete's Ravenclaw) and Craig’s (That'll Do Graig) seven puppies were tested, what a super litter :-0 Sessa has given the best possible basics for the puppies to start their lives from! One dog puppy is still available and I can really commend this puppy as a great partner for dog sports <3 The puppies will start leaving to their new homes from August 25th on. Congratulations to all new puppy owners, I wish you all a long, healthy and happy journey together with your new puppies :)
Zorro (Decathlete's I Did It My Way) and Supo’s (Pikkupaimenen Ready Steady Go) six puppies were tested. Such a great and balanced litter that was really worth making! Congratulations to all new puppy owners, I wish you all success with your new dogs!
Erre (Decathlete's Raptor) and Heidi-Maria Puolakka won an agility competition :) What a great weekend, Heidi-Maria and Erre!
Sky (Decathlete's Skyknight) and Mikko Aaltonen won a jumping competition! Fabulous work this weekend, what a great percentage of clear runs :)
Omie (Decathlete's Galaxy) and Elina Jänesniemi won an agility competition! You will need a new room for all your prizes soon… Congrats once again :)
Juju (Decathlete's Gryffindor) and Veijo Koistinen ran a clear run on both jumping and agility course during the same day. They were placed 3rd and 4th. Haka (Decathlete's Le Livre Blanc) and Tiina Koistinen ran clear runs on two jumping courses, placed 2nd and 6th. Haka got the “double-0” for next year’s Finnish Championships and the national team tryout competition. Congratulations to you both for the great runs!
Omie (Decathlete's Galaxy) and Elina Jänesniemi made three clear runs straight on one day! They won both of the agility competitions. On the jumping course they were second with one turn wrong way :) Congratulations to the zero makers, you sure are doing well at the moment, wow...
Sky (Decathlete's Skyknight) and Mikko Aaltonen won two agility competitions! What a beginning for the new season, half of the needed results for next year’s Finnish Championships and national team tryout competition already achieved :) Great work once again!
Erre (Decathlete's Raptor) and Heidi-Maria Puolakka were second after Sky and received their first certificate! Looking very nice, the pieces of the puzzle seem to be clicking :) Congratulations to the siblings for the fabulous results!
Vinka (Decathlete's Starfighter) and Anne Juslin were placed 2nd in an obedience competition in Sweden. With this result Super-Vinka became SWEDISH OBEDIENCE CHAMPION! A big hug to Anne & Vinka, you are both such experts :)
Erre (Decathlete's Raptor) and Heidi-Maria Puolakka received their third 1st prize result in the highest class of obedience and got the title FINNISH OBEDIENCE CHAMPION! Wow, you sure were fast, Erre is champion quality at two years of age :) Big congratulations to Heidi-Maria, I hope you enjoyed your party!
Cosmo (Tending Magic Mind) and Elina Jänesniemi won an international agility competition. Cosmo finally got the title INTERNATIONAL AGILITY CHAMPION! Cosmo had already several CACIAGs but the required year and one day had not passed between them. Thanks Elina for handling Cosmo, you are both super <3
The day of pouring rain was made even better by Omie (Decathlete's Galaxy) and Elina Jänesniemi winning the second course! Great job from daddy, son and their fabulous handler!
Agility European Open in the Netherlands.
Zen (Decathlete's Sirius Black) and Jaakko Suoknuuti were placed 3rd on the agility course of 335 competitors from all around the world. They lost 13 hundredths of a second to the winner. Hitti (Decathlete's Hornet) and Janita were fourth on a jumping course of 325 dogs.
Chess (Decathlete's Sagitta) and Mette Sørensen got up to class three in both agility and jumping! Congratulations for the great week Mette!
Agility Finnish Team tryout competition, an extremely exciting competition up to the very end!
A huge super congratulations to Omie (Decathlete's Galaxy) and Elina Jänesniemi for winning the tryout competition and receiving the ticket to the World Championships in Austria, you really earned it! Words are not enough to describe the level of your work on every single course: every run you did exactly in your own way without any “safe” choices. Omie is the third Decathlete’s dog that has gotten into the national team at two years of age. All three dogs have been trained in agility in the same way from puppy age. We are so proud of you!

Vimma (Decathlete's Fidelius Charm) and Niina-Liina Linna were placed third together with Niinu’s own dog Rhett. Because Niinu will, of course, rather go to the World Championships with her own dog, Vimma will only be seen in the Nordic Championships in Sweden in December. Congratulations Niinu for reaching your goal and for your dreams coming true :)
Hitti (Decathlete's Hornet) and Janita were placed 5th in the competition. The pole of the first jump dropped on the final course after I left Hitti behind a metal bumper. That caused Hitti to mix her steps and our team membership went down with the pole. Still, there are no words to describe how much I love that little noisy creature <3 She gives me everything she’s got on every course! Hitti is the reserve dog for Yoko and Omie for World Championships, and the reserve dog to the whole team for Nordic Championships. That makes Hitti in a way the fourth Decathlete’s bred dog that has reached the national team at two years of age. We got this far with just six months of training: if we both stay healthy, just wait until next year…
Congratulations also to Anu Niemi and Viima who have been training under our supervision a lot. The hard work finally paid off :)
We wish a great trip to the Finnish team! We will have our fingers crossed for each and everyone of you! Remember to enjoy the event that thousands of competitors only dream of participating. The obstacles are the same as at home. Go and do your own thing. Trust yourselves and your dogs, you can do it!
Rico (Decathlete's Comet) and Heidi Karanko were second in an agility competition! What a great start in getting the results for next years big competitions, congratulations for a nice weekend!
Erre (Decathlete's Raptor) & Heidi-Maria Puolakka got 1st prize result in obedience class 4 and Sky (Decathlete's Skyknight) & Mari Kaplas got 1st prize results in obedience class 3! This was Erre’s second leg to obedience champion title :) Congratulations for great results under tough circumstances!
Rico (Decathlete's Comet) and Heidi Karanko won an agility competition and received another leg to the agility champion title! Well done Heidi and Rico!
Nera (Decathlete's Ravenclaw) gave birth to 6 dog puppies and one bitch puppy. The delivery was easy, the puppies and their mum are doing great. Wishing a happy puppy time for Sessa and Nera!
Vimma (Decathlete's Fidelius Charm) and Niina-Liina Linna were second on the first course of Finnish Agility Open. Hitti (Decathlete's Hornet) and Janita were third and Ludde (Lunde til Decathlete's) & Niinu fourth. Niinu won the finals with Vimma and was second with Rhett! Janita & Hitti took third place and Niinu was placed fourth with Ludde! A big hug to Niinu, you are just amazing! The project to better the percentage of clear runs has succeeded PERFECTLY :) You are shining on one course after another!
Rico (Decathlete's Comet) and Tiina Kuusisto ran a fabulous clear run in a class of 119 participants. They received a certificate which is Rico’s first leg to the champion title! Congratulations Tiina for a great run! Also Hitti (Decathlete's Hornet) and Janita did a clear run on this course. Out of the last 27 competitions Hitti has run without faults in 22 :-0 A lovely partner but a quite loud one...
Zorro (Decathlete's i Did It My Way) became a father of 5 boys and 2 girls. Congratulations to everyone involved!
Hitti (Decathlete's Hornet) and Janita won an agility competition.
The versatile Omie (Decathlete's Galaxy) and handler Elina Jänesniemi competed in obedience for a change. They ended up with a 1st prize result from the highest class! Congratulations to the fantastic couple!
Vinka (Decathlete's Starfighter) and Anne Juslin started their working trial career in a big way: they won a class 1 tracking competition with 288/300 points! The missing 12 points were lost mainly in the obedience section due to Vinka coming straight to the heelwork position (which is considered a fault in working trial obedience). Huge congratulations to the skilled trackers, what a great start!
Omie (Decathlete's Galaxy) and Elina Jänesniemi started the water rescue season by winning a class 1 competition with full score 100/100! This was the second 1st prize result for Omie, so next time he will be competing in class 2. Congratulations for the great water rescue team: Omie, Elina and assisting handler Sari Niemi, good job!
Cosmo (Tending Magic Mind) and Janita won a jumping course in Porvoo. Since Cosmo already had two wins from a jumping course, and with the new agility regulations we now also get to have a jumping champion title, this certificate made COSMO into a FINNISH JUMPING CHAMPION! Quite cool since there were 56 competitors in class. Also Tekla (Decathlete's Black Velvet) ran a great clean run on a difficult course and was placed 4th in tough competition! I wish Tekla and Cosmo would stay this fit forever...
Four agility competitions in Torino, Italy. One agility course and one jumping course on both Saturday and Sunday. Janita was competing with Hitti (Decathlete's Hornet) and Jaakko with Zen (Decathlete's Sirius Black). All the wins and second places were taken by Zen and Hitti on three courses! Hitti was third on one jumping course.
In Italy the certificate goes to the best dog in total results (agility and jumping course results combined). Receiving the champion title is much more difficult in Italy than it is in Finland since you need to run a clean run on two courses in a row. Hitti was the best in total results on both days and received two Italian certificates. On Saturday Hitti and Zen had a gap of only 0,1 seconds, quite an even family…
Zen won the International agility course. Because Zen already is an international agility champion, the CACIAG was given to Hitti.
Jaakko brought home a smooth coated Border Collie puppy from Italy. Beck's Hill Goldeneye is called “Chi” at home.

Five agility competitions in Turku.
On Friday the class 3 agility course was won by Omie (Decathlete's Galaxy) & Elina Jänesniemi. Vimma (Decathlete's Fidelius Charm) & Niina-Liina Linna were third and Rico (Decathlete's Comet) & Heidi Karanko fourth. A nice beginning for Decathlete’s dogs in the Midsummer agility competition :)
The jumping course was won by Sky (Decathlete's Skyknight) & Mikko Aaltonen. Omie (Decathlete's Galaxy) & Elina Jänesniemi were fourth and Rico (Decathlete's Comet) & Heidi Karanko took eight place.
On Saturday the first agility course was won by Sky (Decathlete's Skyknight) & Mikko Aaltonen. The second agility course of the day was won by Omie (Decathlete's Galaxy) & Elina Jänesniemi.
Omie (Decathlete's Galaxy) & Elina Jänesniemi also won the agility course on Sunday.
Super congratulations to Elina and Mikko who split all the wins, boy you’re good! Big Well Done also to Heidi for two clear runs! It sure was nice receiving these results by SMS to Italy :)
Decathlete's dogs TOP2 in Finnish Agility Championships!

Vimma (Decathlete's Fidelius Charm) and Niina-Liina Linna won the Finnish Championship! They beat Hitti (Decathlete's Hornet) & Janita who were second, by 1,91 secs. You can see Vimma and Hitti’s runs from the final course here. Vimma: sarja: maxi, lähtö: maxi048 and Hitti: sarja: maxi, lähtö: maxi047. Many congrats to Niinu for an excellent job, you are absolutely the best!
The results after the first course were: Sky (Decathlete's Skyknight) & Mikko Aaltonen at first place, Vimma (Decathlete's Fidelius Charm) & Niina-Liina Linna second, Hitti (Decathlete's Hornet) & Janita third, Piru & Teemu Linna fourth and Cosmo (Tending Magic Mind) & Janita sixth. Also Tekla (Decathlete's Black Velvet) & Janita made it to the finals. The grandma was 29th on jumping course, at the age of almost 100 years :) The final run got quite exciting: among the top 6 there were five dogs who were either our own dogs, bred by us or owned by our team mates… Amazing runs, one after another, congratulations to all of you who got into the finals.
Zen (Decathlete's Sirius Black) and Jaakko Suoknuuti had a perfect run until obstacle nr 13. Unfortunately Zen slipped and they did not make it to the finals. Zen was treated by an osteopath the very next day and had several injured points in her pelvis and neck Thanks to Leena Piira who helped Zen with such short notice!
Also Omie (Decathlete's Galaxy) and Elina Jänesniemi ran a perfect course right until jump number 18, where the handler got a bit impatient and that ended up with a refusal. Elina and Omie are now running so fast that this could be seen as a storm warning!
A nasty reminder of a slippery surface. Cosmo fell after a jump, as did so many other dogs :(

Thank you all for congratulating us. A special thanks to Jaakko who was there for us during the whole day! Only the people who know Hitti’s history know the meaning of this result for me…
When Hitti was one year old she got into an accident and a ligament in her biceps was cut. This was followed by a 6-month break in practicing. We got to enjoy agility again after the break but that only lasted for 1,5 months: Hitti crashed into a stick and she ended up with an infection in her salivary gland. She had to undergo two operations and several courses of antibiotics followed by a total break of 3 months. We started practicing again, this time we got 2,5 months. Now it was my turn to be diagnosed with a stress injury on my back. The doctor told me to take a break from running for three months.
Before Finnish Championships I did practice for 2 months, despite what the doctor ordered. Luckily my back did handle it. With all these breaks we have had only 6 months of training time together with Hitti. With a job that allows me to practice only once a week, you could say that the dog needs to be a natural talent to get into this level! Thanks to the best Hippa-Leena in the world, for a loud but lovely partnership :)
Agility Finnish Team Championships in Tornio. 38 teams in class large.
Team LAW was second with Zen (Decathlete's Sirius Black) & Jaakko Suoknuuti, Piru & Teemu Linna, Rhett & Niina-Liina Linna and Hitti (Decathlete's Hornet) & Janita. The time of this team was 15 seconds faster than the winning team’s. An unfortunate up contact fault on the dogwalk dropped the team into second place and prevented us from repeating the win we got last year.
Team SBCAK was third with Omie (Decathlete's Galaxy) & Elina Jänesniemi, Raija & Tuomas Oksanen and Poppa & Liisa Lehikoinen. What is special about this team’s result is that they only had three competitors who all HAD to come up with a result. There was only 0,67 seconds gap between LAW and SBCAK team. Also this team got their only fault from the dogwalk’s up contact.
There were two Decathlete's dogs also in team Active Dogs that got the fourth place: Erre (Decathlete's Raptor) & Heidi-Maria Puolakka and Sky (Decathlete's Skyknight) & Mikko Aaltonen. Also this team got one fault and was 9 seconds faster than the winning team
Two agility competitions in Tornio
Zen (Decathlete's Sirius Black) and Jaakko Suoknuuti won the first competition. Vimma (Decathlete's Fidelius Charm) and Niina-Liina Linna were second and Hitti (Decathlete's Hornet) & Janita were sixth. 92 competitors in class.
Omie (Decathlete's Galaxy) and Elina Jänesniemi won the second course, Hitti (Decathlete's Hornet) & Janita were third. There were 75 competitors on this course.
Congratulations everyone for amazing runs!
Aino (Decathlete's Fidus Achates) and Mia Laamanen were second in an agility competition. They now have two legs toward the agility champion title! Fantastic, congratulations Mia and Aino!
Jeeves (Decathlete's Nighthawk) and Vappu Alatalo got 300 points in obedience class 3 and moved up to the highest class! Great work, congratulations to you both! Now the whole litter by Zen (Vinka, Hitti, Erre, Sky and Jeeves) competes in obedience class 4 :)
Vimma (Decathlete's Fidelius Charm) and Niina-Liina Linna won jumping class! Great weekend for you guys! Nice work!
Sky (Decathlete's Skyknight) and Mikko Aaltonen tooked win in agilitycompetitions with fantastic run! The word was, that were not much room for improvement in this dazzling run... Congratulations!
Vimma (Decathlete's Fidelius Charm) and Niina-Liina Linna tooked second place in agilitycompetitions! Ludde (Decathlete's Lunde til Decthlete's) and Niinu were fourth in the same competition. In second competition Vimma and Niinu made yet another clear round placing fourth. Nice set of clear rounds, wow!
Aino (Decathlete's Fidus Achates) and Mia Laamanen got their third first prize result from the highest class of obedience and earned the FINNISH OBEDIENCE CHAMPION -title! Just phenomenal achievement Mia and Aino!

Haka (Decathlete's Le Livre Blanc) and Tiina Koistinen won the jumping course with fastest run! Fantastic clear round once again :)
Haka (Decathlete's Le Livre Blanc) and Tiina Koistinen tooked first place in agilitycompetitions with fastest run! WOW! Nice work!
Omie (Decathlete's Galaxy) and Elina Jänesniemi won agilitycompetitions, again! Win per day keeps you happy :) Super run!

Juju (Decathlete's Gryffindor) and Veijo Koistinen tooked second place in jumping agilitycompetitions! Great run!
Erre (Decathlete's Raptor) and Heidi-Maria Puolakka tooked second place in class-II agilitycompetitions with clear round naturally and earned the right to compete in class-III! Three clear rounds in six days :-0 Woohoo and welcome to highest class :)

Hitti and Zen attended 9 agilitycompetitions during four days. Girls were pretty spectacular and won all nine competitions! Hitti (Decathlete's Hornet) and Janita tooked five wins and Zen (Decathlete's Sirius Black) and Jaakko Suoknuuti four. Hitti managed to make eight clear rounds out of nine possible :-0 Huge thanks for our friends Jenni and Marko for board and lodging and congrats for both of you for nice runs during the weekend!
Omie (Decathlete's Galaxy) and Elina Jänesniemi claimed in highest place on the podium in agilitycompetitions! Fantastic work time and time again :)
Erre (Decathlete's Raptor) and Heidi-Maria Puolakka tooked another win with clear round in class-II agilitycompetitions... one more to go :) Great weekend for you guys, awesome!
Omie (Decathlete's Galaxy) and Elina Jänesniemi were victorious in agilitycompetitions! Superb!
Erre (Decathlete's Raptor) and Heidi-Maria Puolakka won class-II agilitycompetitions and got their first leg towards class-III! Great work winning pair!
Diva (Decathlete's Cassiopeia) and Anu Rikkilä tooked first place with first prize result in class-III obedience trials and got the right to compete in highest class! Noomi (Diva´s dam) and Anu won class-IV with top score of 309/320 :-0 Huge congratulations for obedience masters!
Sky (Decathlete's Skyknight) and Mikko Aaltonen won two agilitycompetitions with fastest runs and with these results they also earned the right to attend Finnish Championships and World Team Qualifications! Awesome work doublewinners :)
Vinka (Decathlete's Starfighter) and Anne Juslin got first prize result in the highest class of obedience with extremely high points of 292,5! Congratulations obedience specialists :)
Sky (Decathlete's Skyknight) and Mikko Aaltonen continued their winning streak taking yet another victory in standard agilitycompetitions and managed also to make the fourth clear round of the weekend placing second in days second competition. Hopefully you bought nice big bacon burger for Sky, which she really had earned with awesome runs she made during the weekend :)
Sky (Decathlete's Skyknight) and Mikko Aaltonen claimed not just one but two victories with superb runs! Excellent work Mikko and Sky. The word was, that runs really were something to see! Extra congratulations for double-zero -result!
Omie (Decathlete's Galaxy) and Elina Jänesniemi tooked first place in standard agilitycompetitions! Great work through all day! You really have near perfect runs all the time :)
Zen (Decathlete's Sirius Black) and Jaakko Suoknuuti were victorious in standard agilitycompetitions, Hitti (Decathlete's Hornet) and Janita tooked second position and Omie (Decathlete's Galaxy) with Elina Jänesniemi were in third spot :) What a amazing day for kennel Decathlete´s dogs!
Haka (Decathlete's Le Livre Blanc) and Tiina Koistinen won class-III standard agilitycompetitions with awesome run! Congratulations Tiina! Clear round also for Rico (Decathlete's Comet) and Heidi Karanko. Way to go!
Hitti (Decathlete's Hornet) and Janita got their second result Excellent in the highest class of obedience earning their second leg towards the Champion title eventhough they did not score any points from the scent retrieve.
Zen (Decathlete's Sirius Black) and Jaakko Suoknuuti managed to achieve YET ANOTHER pure hat trick by winning three agilitycompetitions back to back during the same day by making the fastest run in every single one of them out of 61 to 68 competitors! This pair simply is in quite astonishing form :-0
Hitti (Decathlete's Hornet) and Janita made also a clear round in standard agility course finishing fourth out of 68 participants.
Ninja (Decathlete's Firebolt) and Julianne Kemppainenkin also made nice clear round! Congratulations!
Juju (Decathlete's Gryffindor) and Veijo Koistinen tooked nice second place in agility jumping course out of 79 competitors!
Rico (Decathlete's Comet) and Heidi Karanko were victorious in class-II agilitycompetitions and got the ticket to class-III! Woohoo, welcome to highest class :)
Juju (Decathlete's Gryffindor) and Veijo Koistinen made the double zero -result needed for attending Finnish Championships and the Qualifications and placed second in standard course. Awesome work!
Omie (Decathlete's Galaxy) and Elina Jänesniemi tooked second place on the podium by making a great clear round in standard agilitycourse! Lot of clear rounds for this grear pair lately, keep up the good work :)
Vimma (Decathlete's Fidelius Charm) and Jaakko Knuutti came in second place in standard agilitycompetition! Great run!
Haka (Decathlete's Le Livre Blanc) and Tiina Koistinen tooked the 5th position in the same competition out of 54 pairs. Congratulations for clear round!
Omie (Decathlete's Galaxy) and Elina Jänesniemi tooked sensational two wins at the same day in agilitycompetitions! You really are something... Awesome work doublechampions :)
Hitti (Decathlete's Hornet) and Janita scored 277 points in highest class of obedience and got result Excellent and at the same time their first result needed to become an Champion, despite getting one zero point result. Otherwise they scored extremely high scores compensating points lost early on. Hitti was just phenomenal and worked exceptionally well :) Special thanks for Elina Jänesniemi, who has taken care and trained obediece with Hitti while we have been travelling! Thank you Elina :)
Erre (Decathlete's Raptor) and Heidi-Maria Puolakka got result Excellent in highest class of obedience, despite they got one zero point result. Huge congratulations for obtaining the first leg towards the Champion-title!
Sky (Decathlete's Skyknight) and Mikko Aaltonen were third in jumping course! Clear rounds just keep coming one after another! Respect also for Anja and Grim for winning the competition with superb run!
Vimma (Decathlete's Fidelius Charm) and Jaakko Knuutti tooked third position in standard agilitycompetititons! Jaakko run faultless run also with Ludde (Lunde til Decathlete's)! Great work with both of the girls! Congratulations also for Pirjo and Fun (Tekla´s granddaughter) for taking second place with great clear round!
Agilitycompetitions in Turku, with over 60 pairs taking part. Mujunen was judging and had pretty nice courses!
Sky (Decathlete's Skyknight) and Mikko Aaltonen won standard class agilitycompetition and were second in jumping course. Quite pheomenal runs. It really is a pleasure to see your own breeding handled with such a great way in agility. You both are simply awesome!
Juju (Decathlete's Gryffindor) and Veijo Koistinen managed to make clear rounds in standard and in agility competition!
Zen (Decathlete's Sirius Black) and Janita made clear rounds in standard and jumping agilitycompetitions.
Tekla (Decathlete's Black Velvet) and Janita made faultless run in standard agilitycompetition.
Rico (Decathlete's Comet) and Heidi Karanko tooked victory in class-II agilitycompetitions! It was really nice to see your awesome performance live. Huge congratulations for great run :)
Noomi & Cosmo offspring respectable 2 years!! :) Happy birthday Omie, Ketku, Rico, Chess, Diva and Isla!
Erre (Decathlete's Raptor) and Heidi-Maria Puolakka tooked their third win in class-I agility competitions and next this pair will start in class-II! After countless one fault results you really earned your success! Spectacular run!! Huge congratulations also for Jenni and Loox, who started their agility career by making two clear rounds in two of their first competitions, WOW, what a start! Just keep up the great work :)
Rico (Decathlete's Comet) and Heidi Karanko won class-II agility competitions with fluent and fast run! Awesome work :)
Pretty awesome Valentine´s Day! Man´s best friends really gave nice presents for their masters!
Ketku (Decathlete's Solarstorm) and Pia Heikkilä tooked victory with awesome score of 296/320 in class-III obedience trials! What a performance, congratulations!
Zen (Decathlete's Sirius Black) and Jaakko Suoknuuti claimed victory with nice runs in both standard and jumping competitions! You really are Fast and Furious!
Hitti (Decathlete's Hornet) and Janita ran three clear rounds in a row at the same day placing respectable 2nd, 3rd and 5th. Woohoo! You are in pretty good form! This was also Hitti´s doublezero -result and so we will see Hitti and Janita in the starting line of Finnish Championships and Qualifications :)
Omie (Decathlete's Galaxy) and Elina Jänesniemi made double zero (two faultless runs in a row during the same day) and were with those in positions 2 and 4. This means that we will see also this awesome pair in Finnish Championships and Qualifications 2009. Congratulations for spectacular runs!
Haka (Decathlete's Le Livre Blanc) and Tiina Koistinen were victorious in standard agility competitions and got the right to participate in Finnish Championships and FCI World Team Qualification! Great work!
Sky (Decathlete's Skyknight) and Mikko Aaltonen tooked nice second place in jumping course. Awesome! Other runs were also really something to see!
Tekla (Decathlete's Black Velvet) and Janita ran faultless runs both in standard and jumping courses. Grandma still going strong at the age of 11,5 years :O
Ninja (Decathlete's Firebolt) and Julianne Kemppainen made clear round in standard agility course and were 4th. Congratulations for great run and at the same time earning the right to attend Finnish Championships and Qualifications 2009!
Juju (Decathlete's Gryffindor) & Veijo Koistinen tooked second position in agility competitions! Excellent performance!
Aino (Decathlete's Fidus Achates) and Mia Laamanen continued their success in obediece arena by getting first prize result in class-IV trials, second result out of three needed to become ObCh. Great achievement and nice prize for awesome work you have done!
Sky (Decathlete's Skyknight) and Mikko Aaltonen continued their winning streak by taking the first place in class-III agilitycompetitions and taking the first leg towards agilitychampion -title. Huge congratulations! First result for your road to take part in World Team Qualifications also under your belt :) and six more to go...
Sky (Decathlete's Skyknight) and Mikko Aaltonen won class-II standard agilitycompetitions and earned the right to compete in highest class! Woohoo! It sure is great now to be competing in same class with both of you :)
Zen (Decathlete's Sirius Black) and Jaakko Suoknuuti won standard agilitycompetitions! Clear round also for Tekla (Decathlete's Black Velvet) and Jaakko finishing 7th. Huge congratulations for Veronica and Excel for earning Finnish Agility Champion -title and also otherwise great agilityweekend here in Finland. Four competitions, four clear rounds out of which three wins and third position. Not bad :)
Aino (Decathlete's Fidus Achates) and Mia Laamanen got first prize result in class-IV obedience trials! Awesome work for getting first leg out of three to becoming ObCh and good luck for trials to come!
Haka (Decathlete's Le Livre Blanc) and Tiina Koistinen tooked second place in class-III agility jumping course out of 73 competitors. Also Juju (Decathlete's Gryffindor) & Veijo Koistinen ja Ludde (Lunde til Decathlete's) & Jaakko Knuutti made clear rounds. Victory in this competition went for our team mates Anja and Grim (Tekla´s granddaughter), hugs for everybody for great results :)
Erre (Decathlete's Raptor) and Heidi-Maria Puolakka won class-I agilitycompetitions! Congratulations for awesome run!
Ludde´s (Lunde til Decathlete's) offspring 4 years! Happy birthday to Zen, Vimma, Juju, Ninja, Yra and Nera!
Snoopy (Decathlete's Carpe Diem) injured himself badly and had to undergo a surgery. He had severe damage in his hind leg knee. Six months rehabilitation and it seems that his agility and water rescue career is over :( Luckily he has the sweetest character who will easily adapt also the living without trialing. Best of luck for recovering to Snoopy and regrets to Hanna & Toni!
Nera (Decathlete's Ravenclaw) visited the vet and had her hips, knees, elbows, shoulders and spine x-rayed. All were in great condition and showed no sign of anything unusual :)
Five class-III agilitycompetitions in Finland and all wins for Decathlete´s dogs! Pretty nice news for breeder who was herself at the time laying by the pool enjoying the Thailand sunshine :) Great work everybody and special congratulations to Veijo and Juju taking the Champion -title home! Thanks also for Elina for taking care of Hitti and training obedience with her!
Juju (Decathlete's Gryffindor) and Veijo Koistinen won standard agilitycompetition in Kirkkonummi. This was Juju´s third win and so they earned the title FINNISH AGILITY CHAMPION! Awesome work from you guys! Huge congratulations!

Haka (Decathlete's Le Livre Blanc) and Tiina Koistinen were fastest and tooked first place in standard agilitycompetitions in Kirkkonummi. Great work!
Ninja (Decathlete's Firebolt) and Julianne Kemppainen were victorious in standard agilitycompetition in Lieto with fastest run of all. Nice opening of new season!
Hitti (Decathlete's Hornet) and Mila Oravecz won standard agilitycompetitions with the best time and of course with a clear round. Congratulations and thanks to Mila for handling Hitti!
Omie (Decathlete's Galaxy) and Elina Jänesniemi won standard agilitycompetitions with fastest round out of 31 competitors. This was Omie´s second leg towards Agility Champion -title and he can become a champion by getting the third result needed after a year has passed since his first victory.
Agilitycompetitions in Eckerö
Hitti (Decathlete's Hornet) and Jaakko Suoknuuti won jumping class with fastest round out of 71 competitors, way to go! This was a competition where we had changed handlers and dogs among ten of our friends by drawing new handlers for every dog. Jaakko also tooked the second place with Grim. This competition was very exiting to watch because nobody of our friends had never before competed with the dogs they ran this jumping course... Anna & Rhett, Jouni & Carmen and Niinu & Noel managed to make fine clear rounds. Congratulations for succeeding in this quite difficult course with strange dogs! Niina-Liina Linna ran clear round also with Hugo (Never Stop Artist of Decathlete's), thanks Niinu for handling Hugo!
Zen (Decathlete's Sirius Black) and Jaakko Suoknuuti won the agilitycompetition with fastest round out of 75 dogs! And so the winning streak was opened for this year :) Second place went for Anja and Grim (Tekla´s granddaughter), congrats for our friends and team mates!
Jaakko made clear round also with Omie (Decathlete's Galaxy) placing 6th. Not the most beautiful course, but clear round nevertheless :)
Omie (Decathlete's Galaxy) and Elina Jänesniemi started their champion clock by winning 85 dogs class in agility! You can watch the course here. Congratulations and hugs Elina and Omie, you are sooo good! Congratulations also to Niinu and Rhett and Anja and Grim (Tekla's granddaughter) who made sure that LAW (our agility team) got all three prizes and to Juju (Decathlete's Gryffindor) and Veijo Koistinen which were sixth with a clear round :)
Vimma (Decathlete's Fidelius Charm) and Jaakko Knuutti came second in 85 dogs class in agility, only 0,04 seconds difference to the winners Niinu and Rhett! You can watch the course here. Congratulations to both masters!
Hugo (Never Stop Artist of Decathlete's) and Elina Jänesniemi came fourth (55 participants in their class). Congratulation for a clear round! Congratulations also to our dear friends Anja and Grim (Tekla's granddaughter), who won the class!
Rico (Decathlete's Comet) and Heidi Karanko won agility competitions (83 dogs in class I maxi dogs) and got to the class II! Congratulations for a great start for this year :)
Cosmo (Tending Magic Mind) will be retired. He has problems between his last lumbar vertebra and sacrum and he can't continue his agilitycareer :'( Thank you Cosmo for these amazing years, you have given and taught me so much that I don't have words enough to thank you! I hope I can offer you painless and comfortable retiring years that you really have earned!
Janita is having problems with her back and can't do any work or agility for 1-3 months :(
Zen's puppies are 2 years old! Congratulations and thank you Iris for this nice card!