Hitti (Decathlete's Hornet) and Janita Leinonen won an agility competition.
Omie (Decathlete's Galaxy) and Janita Leinonen won a jumping competition. Omie received his second leg to the jumping champion title. Kennel Decathelete's had a triple win with Rico (Decathlete's Comet) and Heidi Karanko being second and Juju (Decathlete's Gryffindor) and Veijo Koistinen being third.
Zen (Decathlete's Sirius Black) and Jaakko Suoknuuti kept on practising contacts on a competition course. They ran clean.
Suvianne-Cosmo puppies have been proven to be on the way. You can follow the puppy story here :)
Noomi-Cosmo puppies are celebrating their 3rd birthday. Happy Birthday Omie, Rico, Diva, Ketku, Chess and Isla!
Haka (Decathlete's Le Livre Blanc) and Tiina Koistinen were placed third in an agility competition. Also Juju (Decathlete's Gryffindor) and Veijo Koistinen ran clean.
The perfect Diva-Zeta puppies have left to their new homes. Thank you Anu for letting us have this fabulous litter by Diva. Thanks also to Laura for allowing us to use Zeta! You will definately hear about the little ones later :) Good luck with the challenges the life will bring you: Anu Rikkilä & Maya (Decathlete's Mistica), Elina Jänesniemi & Dion (Decathlete's Velocissima), Tiina Kuusisto & Jaime (Decathlete's Gallardo) and Riina Kellman & Zoi (Decathlete's Delizia)! Here is the only video clip of the puppies that we had time to shoot.
Ketku (Decathlete's Solarstorm) and Pia Heikkilä began their agility career by running clean on their first course. Congratulations for a fine start :)
Hitti (Decathlete's Hornet) and Janita Leinonen ran three courses without faults. Hitti's false pregnancy if effecting her speed.
Erre (Decathlete's Raptor) and Heidi-Maria Puolakka ran clean on both agility and jumping course. They were placed 3rd in jumping.
Rico (Decathlete's Comet) and Heidi Karanko were placed 2nd on the agility course.
Zen (Decathlete's Sirius Black) and Jaakko Suoknuuti were practising contacts in a competition. A clean run and lovely contacts :)
Vimma (Decathlete's Fidelius Charm) and Jaakko Knuutti ran four clean runs. They won two competitions and were placed 2nd twice. Congratulations on an amazing day after a long break!