Dion (Decathlete's Velocissima) 2 months and Zoi (Decathlete's Delizia) 4 months old.
Erre (Decathlete's Raptor) and Heidi-Maria Puolakka won an agility competition in Kokkola! Big congratulations :)
Heidi-Maria and Erre's win on video.
Three agility competitions in Lieto.
The jumping course was won by Omie (Decathlete's Galaxy) and Janita Leinonen.
Rico (Decathlete's Comet) and Heidi Karanko were third. Congrats for a great clean run Heidi and Rico! Heidi and Rico on video.
Diva (Decathlete's Cassiopeia) and Janita were placed 4th and Diva received her first jumping certificate :)
Also Haka (Decathlete's Le Livre Blanc) and Tiina Koistinen ran clean.
Janita took a double win on the first agility course with Hitti (Decathlete's Hornet) being first and Omie being second.
Veijo Koistinen and Juju (Decathlete's Gryffindor) took also the third place to kennel Decathlete's :) Well done Veijo and Juju!
Tiina and Haka were fifth. Congratulations Tiina and Haka for two clean runs!
Hitti and Janita won also the second agility course.
Janita's courses with Hitti, Omie and Diva.